Nov 30, 2011

Worksheets Wednesday!

Not sure if I will forever dub this day of the week as worksheet wednesday but it is today! I made a few printable worksheets for those of you interested in having them for your own :)

I included pictures of my Tracing Squares and Lines sheets in an earlier post. Here is a printable for Tracing Curved Lines and Drawing Lines. The Drawing Lines worksheet has an arrow to show the kids which way to go (left to right.) I only stress this with my kids because I want them to have as much left to right practice before they start to learn to write letters. It was natural for most of my kids to go this direction when I tried it with them, but just in case, there are arrows.

My favorite worksheet I included is a Fine Motor Skills practice that is Christmas Tree themed! I will use a "dot marker" which is similar to a bingo marker but you can also use a cotton ball as mentioned on the sheet itself. The circles are in the shape of a tree and your preschooler can practice their fine motor finger coordination. I can't wait to use this next week! :)

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