Apr 13, 2010

Some other beginning's end..

I REALLY cannot believe that I am about to finish my 7th semester of college. Classes end next wednesday!
I also cannot believe that a week from Saturday is my end of semester dance show and the last official day of living with my amazing roommate Amy. :( Sad face.
It has been a CRAZYY semester. Full of lots of change and also lots of possibilities. I am thankful for learning so much from this life I am blessed to have.

Before this semester:

*I had a boyfriend...now I don't.. but its okay!)

*Planned on moving back to Jax at the end of July... now I will be living in Gainesville for my last semester of college.

*Thought I would be taking a year off of school and applying for UNF's grad program in Public Administration... now I am not so sure because I have felt God pulling me in some different directions. I thought I wanted to be working in the administration of a non profit that works to develop youth especially in low socioeconomic areas--- and I know I still want to work with this type of youth (and youth in general) but I want to be on a relational level with them instead. I am also very passionate about the education system, especially with all that is going on with SB 6 right now (Florida Senate: Bill 6 or for a shortened to the point version, I know it may be a little biased but its informative, Senate Bill 6).
So who knows if I am going to grad school or for what... and I am also open to going out of Florida! (which I had NOT considered before) :)

I'll also add in that, if you agree with me about the negative repercussions of that Senate Bill I mentioned above ^ you can CALL or E-mail Governor Crist and encourage him to VETO the bill.
his contact info: Governor Charlie Crist

In some ways I am nervous about the future of our country because of so much change lately, but what's good to know is that God is in control.
He has promised us a future of good and not of harm.

We need to pray daily for our leaders and those in positions of power.

God holds everything in His hands...He knows already what our future holds and has prepared a way for us.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell in the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise."
(Isaiah 43)

Apr 5, 2010

what's so amazing about grace?

I've read it before, but I'm reading it again in light of the a.m.a.z.i.n.g. sermon on Easter sunday at church.
I recommend it if you have not read it before and there is also another version- shortened, visual edition
It really challenges and encourages you to seek understanding about the depth of God's grace. I am constantly reminded not only in reading this book but everyday about how undeserving I am of His grace.

I love love loved the message on Sunday about the Resurrection and its meaning-- and how people all over are being told the wrong thing.

I, personally, forget what Jesus meant when he said it was finished. (John 19:30)
I try to add to what Jesus did on the cross.
I think that by trying to earn God's seal of approval I will be counted as righteous and holy in His eyes.
I forget that Jesus died so that I could become righteous.
By His death and resurrection, we are already promised new life.

"For I am crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."
-Galatians 2:20
"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
-Romans 6:11
I like to do this with passages sometimes in order to really get the point of the scripture engraved in my mind... take a verse like Galatians 2:20 and insert your name into the parts that say "I" or other reference to yourself.
i.e. "For Samantha is crucified with Christ and Samantha no longer lives but Christ lives in Samantha. The life Samantha lives in the body, Samantha lives by faith in the son of God, who loved Samantha and gave himself for Samantha."
(That's a lot of Samantha's mentioned.. but that's kinda God's point, I think.)

Hope you had a Happy Easter!