Mar 28, 2011

spring cleaning

I did some spring cleaning of the mind and led me to trust in a few things God was laying on my heart to "clean up" in my life.
First of all, and I won't go into this deeply, I had to end my relationship with my boyfriend. The natural connection that should be there between us-- just wasn't there for me anymore. I felt too much like I was loving the idea of being with him rather than him. He deserves so much more, and we will both find someone whom we connect with! :)
Second, my dreams of being a teacher in public schools were put on hold as I received news that I wasn't eligible for getting my certification through the alternative route. That route is for non education degree holders. Basically, my degree is TOO broad for the FL department of education to deem worthy of becoming certified. It will be too many classes and almost going back to get another degree in order for me to even be eligible. It's complicated basically.
I am trusting now that there is something out there for me--- I am hoping youth or children's ministry will be available to me! I have done my internships with both education and ministry so I am sure something will open up for me. All in God's time, of course.

For now, here are some recent photos of my preschoolers!

birthday girl, Madison turned 3 on the day of our Valentine's day party!

Kah Mari vs. cupcake, Valentine's Day party

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