In light of our recent national holiday remembering and honoring those who have served our country in the name of freedom, I will say I am thankful for veterans. In my family I have many relatives that have served in the military, including my mom, dad, brother, cousin patrick, and others I'm sure I didn't know about.
But I think I am almost equally proud of the boys I grew up with through the years that have served over seas. It's kinda cool to see these guys do something so brave and then to watch them grow up and become so manly. (i feel funny saying that but it's so true!)
Two of my very close friends from church growing up, Alex and Thomas have both been to war a couple times and though Alex is back now in the states, Thomas is still overseas. I think about them all the time!
Alex and Thomas both are married now and I really love seeing them when they are home. I hope this holiday season I get to talk to them or hug them!
Here is Alex giving a speech (he is a talker for sure!) after getting promoted:
And here is Thomas and a friend in the desert on deployment, he is the TALL one (about 6'7")

You may have also heard of their friend, Corporal Tyler Southern that was welcomed home to the mandarin area recently after losing both legs in war. He stepped on explosives and was in critical condition for a while but is now home with his family! He has fully recovered and has prosthetics he is learning to walk with.
SO proud of these young men! :)
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