While I've been home I have started my internship with Mandarin United Methodist Church, the church I grew up in. The youth pastor there, Nicole, is 9 months pregnant (and already dilating!). She and I talked a few months ago about me filling in for her during the time she is taking off to be with her new boy! I am super excited for the opportunity. I needed the internship for my practicum hours with my degree and she needed the help so I am glad it worked out. It means I will be at the church sundays and some wednesdays leading small groups. I will mostly be working with the high school youth but also working out details for youth on Sunday nights. I am sad that I will be at GCA less during the next couple of months, but at the same time it's nice to be back at Mandarin during this time! (I will miss my GCA friends!)
In addition to youth group fun, I have been helping out at Music Camp at Mandarin this week. I used to LOVE music camp at church when I was in elementary school so naturally I volunteered to help out. I have been helping behind the scenes, choreographing and spending time with some awesome kids! Here is a picture of some of what goes on at Music Camp at MUMC.
This picture is pretty representative of what goes on in dance rehearsals at music camp... I am telling them what to do and they are either distracting each other or too busy daydreaming.. haha!

In the choir room learning their songs..

Practicing on the stage in the sanctuary..

I can't wait to see their performance Sunday morning! They are the bomb!
And of course, can't forget all the FUN I am having with the kids of GCA!
This is my second year helping at VBS with Grace Church and it is so fun!
It's amazing seeing what the kids get out of it and of course, seeing the smiles on their faces during worship, games and making their snacks and crafts (go Eva!).
One of my favorite moments so far..
Reed's mouth turned black and blue after he put his harmonica he made in crafts into his mouth... poor thing had either paint or marker ink on him every day. He was a good sport about it though and thought it was funny!

Looking forward to the last day of VBS and the Music camp performance sunday! :)
1 comment:
How exciting for you girl! We'll miss you around GCA but exciting adventure for you!
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