I love butterflies. I love my mac book. Butterflies meet macbook.
step one:

my roommate showed me her fun icons on her desktop of her macbook the other day, and I had to get some for myself.
this website, has tons of cute and some weird icons that you can use instead of the boring ones that come with your computer.. like characters from TV shows (there were no LOST ones.. I checked), animals, flowers, cartoon characters, etc.
for example... here are what my icons look like now, (i reallly like butterflies, especially these.) and when I scroll over them it still tells me what they are so its not like you have to memorize which ones are which now.

(not really the best picture because it was from my phone but you get the idea..)
if you decide to change your icons, and you need help let me know! :)
step two:
why butterflies?
well to me, butterflies are such a true representation of what it means to live as a "new creation in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:17).
in high school I attended a retreat called Chrysalis and it really helped me grow in my faith as I learned what it meant to die to self and rise with Christ in new life. The transformation from caterpillar to butterfly (the chrysalis, see funny chart here) is the central image used on these retreats.
and so I have since then REALLY loved butterflies because it is such a beautiful, tangible reminder of my new life.
recently when I read Francis Chan's book "Forgotten God," there was an AWESOME reference to this same idea...
"For all of its caterpillar life, it crawls around a small patch of dirt and up and down a few plants. Then one day it takes a nap. A long nap. And then what in the world must go through its head when it wakes up to discover it can fly?? What happened to its dirty, plump little worm body? What does it think when it sees its tiny new body and gorgeous wings? As believers we ought to experience this same kind of astonishment when the Holy Spirit enters our bodies. We should be stunned in disbelief over becoming a "new creation" with the Spirit living in us. As the caterpillar find its new ability to fly, we should be thrilled over our spirit-empowered ability to live differently and faithfully. Isn't this what the scriptures speak of? Isn't this what we've all been longing for?" --Francis Chan
and as we say at Chrysalis retreats, "fly with Christ!" :)
1 comment:
What an awesome idea especially because butterflies mean so much in your life! Cool!
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