After finishing my last final yesterday morning around 10:30 a feeling of relief set in knowing that I was done with all my tests and papers and could finally relax!
One of our bible study leaders just graduated from Colorado State Univ this semester so we threw her a little grad party at the park and played some games and ate cake... She moved here to Gainesville to work with the Navigators while finishing up her senior year of college online.
Congrats to Melissa!
And besides congratulating Melissa yesterday, I helped Nikki pack up for going home. Melissa and I also set out for some treasure hunting around the dorms since people were packing up to go home and often they leave behind things they don't want to take home or don't like anymore.. And we came across two beauties of a chair. Pink/ Magenta fold up chairs for the floor that spin as well. Try and tell me those aren't a treasure...
On the note of packing and moving- my roommate Steph moved out yesterday morning, so our room is now a barren land. It's strange to think two semesters have come and gone! It feels so empty and lonely but I won't have to worry about it much longer because I'm headed home tomorrow!
I can't wait to sit around and do nothing... for a couple of weeks. Then it's off to Colorado!
Something I also wanted to mention... My friend Marianne and some other great photographers teamed up to create this group called Twenty-Eight Nineteen that sells photography of theirs and all benefits from the sales go to funding missionaries. (Matthew 28:19- Great commission) Check out their website... their photos are AWESOME and the sales all go to a great cause! (I thought it would be a good place to buy gifts for people.. and it's awesome to know that it is really giving a gift to more than one person.)